Tuesday, September 09, 2008

“If we took Grace too seriously especially the doctrine of election it would undermine our only basis for pursuing a holy life, fear of punishment and hope of rewards.”- John Wesley

“but isn’t that [to the Wesley quote above] a selfish motivation for the Christian life? That has always been the fear, “Too much grace it will throw a wrench in the whole process of Christian growth.” But the scriptures insist that a legalistic view of the Christian life is what leads us right back to fear and bondage. Since the law, though good in it of itself could never give us the power to perform what it commands; the gospel not only reconciles us to God in the first place. It’s the only fuel we have to keep us going in the process of sanctification. Therefore gratitude not fear of punishment or hope of reward is the only proper basis for pursuing a holy and God glorifying existence. Folks, if our salvation depended on us for one moment even in the slightest degree, we would eventually either become self-righteous, pretending that we were actually pulling it off, or we would despair of ever knowing whether God really accepted us. How could we possibly love God and serve our neighbor freely if we were still caught up in the saving of our own skin.”- The Intro to Guilt, Grace, Gratitude on the White Horse Inn

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